sábado, 25 de junho de 2016

Acai paraense


1 liter of thick acai at room temperature
sugar to taste
2 cups (tea) of tapioca flour

Method of preparation:

Place the açaí to chill for about 30 minutes before cooking. Remove from the refrigerator and, in a bowl, mix the acai berry with sugar. Stir well, add the tapioca flour and serve.

maniçoba: Brazilian indigenous food

3 kg of ground manioc sheet (manioc)
1/2 kg of lard
1/2 kg of beef jerky (dried meat)
1/2 kg of Portuguese sausage
1/2 kg of sausage
1/2 kg of pork loin
1/2 kg of pig's ear
1/2 kg of pig tail
chopped garlic to taste
hot peppers to taste

Method of preparation:
On the 1st day, place the sheet of ground manioc in a large pot with water. Simmer all day on low heat without letting it dry. The next day, put the bacon and simmer. On the third day, blanch all the meat and place in pan of maniva to boil. Stir occasionally. The next day, add the garlic and pepper, simmer for another 6 hours, stirring occasionally. Serve with white rice and raw cassava flour.          

terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2016



1 kg of fish cation in put
1 green pepper, sliced
1 red pepper, sliced
1 yellow pepper, sliced
1 tomato, sliced
1 onion, sliced
1 thread of olive oil
Shoyu sauce
vinegar (or lemon)
Black pepper
1 bunch of cilantro (or parsley) and chives
1 tablet of fish stock (or shrimp or chicken)
1 small glass coconut milk (200 ml)

In a saucepan (preferably it is clay) put on the bottom a layer of onion, tomato and colored peppers
Place the fish fillets
Let's season: a little olive oil, a little vinegar (or lemon), drizzle with soy sauce, a pinch of salt, a pinch of saffron; one pepper pinch (or hot sauce)
Place the pan the tablet of fish broth (chicken or shrimp)
Place the rest of the onion rings, tomatoes and peppers;
Remember that the fish caught easily spice and what does get tasty is the smoothness in taste, so put a little of each ingredient (salt, vinegar, olive oil, soy sauce, pepper, turmeric)
The fish will drop a water, cover the pan and leave the kitchen until soft, careful not to cook too and undo folded
If necessary put a bit of filtered water
When the fish is cooked, sprinkle with cilantro and chives and pour the coconut milk (which in this recipe can be optional)
Serve with fish sauce and white rice



4 tablespoons mayonnaise and full of soup
2 tablespoons ketchup soup
1 tablespoon black mustard
1/2 juice of a small lemon
1 tablespoon soy sauce soup (soy sauce)
Salt and black pepper to taste

Mix the mayonnaise, ketchup, soy sauce and dark mustard
Add little by little lemon juice
Add as much as you want salt and pepper
Usually I use this sauce recipe to accompany fried fish

quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2016


Bratwurst ist eine Wurst deutscher Herkunft, bestehend aus Schweinefleisch, Rindfleisch, und manchmal Kalb. Der Name leitet sich von dem deutschen Wort gemacht Bratwürste, aus der alten Hochdeutsch . Die Brat- Wort bedeutete Fleisch in kleine Stücke geschnitten und -wurst Wurst wie heute gemeint. Obwohl das Wort Bengel in Bratwürste beschreiben, wie die Wurst gemacht werden, ist es oft fälschlicherweise als von braten Verb abgeleitet, die oder Backmittel zu braten. Trotz der Etymologie, Braten und Rösten sind die häufigsten Möglichkeiten, diese Würste vorbereitet. Typischerweise werden sie gegrillt, aber manchmal auch in einer Brühe gekocht.

Der ursprüngliche Name "Bratwürste" entstand wahrscheinlich in der Thüringer Region, wo es traditionell für die Thüringer Rostbratwürste bekannt ist. Die kleine Bratwurst entstand in Nürnberg. Je größer und dicker, kann fast überall in Deutschland zu finden.

                       Bratwurst mit Sauerkraut und Kartoffeln.

                        Gegrillte Bratwurst.

                         Bratwurst in der Pfanne.


In Deutschland werden diese Würste oft mit einer würzigen oder süßen deutschen Senf gegessen, mit Ketchup und gebraten oder in Scheiben geschnitten und als Currywurst gegessen. Sie werden oft auch in einem kleinen deutschen Brot serviert und von einem Bier begleitet. Diese Brote mit Bratwurst werden oft auf den Straßen verkauft, und oft Stehen verzehrt werden.

Arten der Bratwurst

Thüringer Rostbratwürste

Diese Wurst aus Erfurt, Thüringen, ist einer der köstlichsten. Obwohl die Zusammensetzung Geheimnis ist, ist es bekannt, dass es mit gehacktem Schweinefleisch und verschiedenen Gewürzen, einschließlich Kümmel und Majoran hergestellt wird. Der erste Hinweis auf diese Wurst kommt von einem Metzger und das Datum des 22. Mai 1404 die Lieferung eines Nonnenkloster zu dokumentieren erzeugt wurde.

Die Thüringer Bratwurst ist seit dem 6. Januar 2004 durch die Gesetze der Europäischen Union geschützt, die verlangt, dass sich nur mit diesem Würstchen nennen, die zwischen 15 und 20 cm messen, gefüllt in natürlichen, roh oder gekocht Darm und einer Menge bestimmte Gewürze. Bereiten Sie gebraten auf einem vorher abgedeckt Grill mit viel Fett und lox auf einer Holzplatte.

Es gibt auch vegetarische Versionen dieser Wurst, hergestellt mit Seitan.

Nürnberger Rostbratwürste

Die Nürnberger Bratwurst Rostbratwürste oder Nuremeberga Streit mit Thüringer Rostbratwürste das Alter von 600 Jahre. Es ist eine kleine Wurst, mit Ursprung in der Stadt Nürnberg, die in fast allen Restaurants und Lebensmittelgeschäfte in der Straße zu finden sind. Ihre Größe beträgt etwa 7 bis 9 cm mit etwa 20 bis 25 Gramm. Es hat eine hellgraue Farbe und können leicht die Gewürze, als dunkler Flecken bemerkt werden. In Portugal, können Sie diese Würste in mehreren Supermärkten deutscher Herkunft, sowie in einigen Restaurants.

US Bratwurst

Die Bratwurst ist auch sehr beliebt in den USA und es gibt eine riesige Industrie ihre Produktion gewidmet. Der größte Hersteller ist Johnson, mit Sitz in Wisconsin, einem Zustand, der eine große Population von deutscher Herkunft hat.

Thüringer Rostbratwürste auf dem Grill.

Drei Würste Nürnberg auf Brot mit Senf.







用語の寿司は、「日本のリゾット」の意味を持つ古風な文法的なフォームから来て、他の状況では、より使用されていないと文字通り発酵食品の歴史的ルーツの反射 "酸味がある」ことを意味します。


現在、日本の寿司はコメlactofermentadoの伝統料理に少し似ているが保持されます。発酵した魚は、米から取られたときもともと、魚だけが消費され、発酵米を廃棄しました。 funazushiと強い香りの味、日本では琵琶湖の近くに作られたnarezushiの種類は、ほとんどの発酵寿司を製造する従来の方法に似ているものです。















hamburger history


The origins of the hamburger are uncertain and permeated with myths and stories, but it's likely that he has been first prepared the way we know it today in the late nineteenth century or early twentieth century. The modern burger is derived from the culinary needs of a society that was changing rapidly due to industrialization and therefore enjoyed less time for food preparation and consumption of meals.

Much of the reason his story is controversial due to the fact that Americans vying for the title of being the first to combine two slices of bread with a steak of minced meat, forming a "hamburger sandwich", even though its two basic ingredients, bread and meat, have been prepared and eaten separately for many years before that combination. Shortly after its creation, the burger was prepared with all the trimmings that today you are typically features with onions, lettuce and sliced ​​pickles.

During the twentieth century, there were several controversies regarding the caloric value of food, including nutritional controversy in the late 90s, but he did not fail to reflect part of the history of the twentieth century, and be associated with a certain symbolism. Today the burger is costumeramente correlated with the US and with a particular culinary style, namely fast food. Beside the fried chicken and apple pie, he became an icon of American cuisine.

However, he also enjoys international popularity and its worldwide fame certainly is the greatest kind of globalization of human food consumption, alongside other dishes such as Turkish döner kebab, Italian pizza and Japanese sushi. It spread easily across continents from different cultures and cuisines because, according to some, his easy way of preparation and understanding. The global culinary culture around the hamburger given by the concept of selling processed food, imagined notably in the 1920s by the White Castle chain of restaurants and it was later perfected in the 1940s by McDonald's and Ray Kroc. This global expansion has provided economic evaluation as the Big Mac index that allows comparison of the purchasing power of different countries where the Big Mac burger is sold today.

                       Burger opened with processed cheese and chips.

Popular culture

During the post-war period, the burger was very famous, even in popular culture. One example was the frequent appearance of burgers in comic Popeye E. C. Segar, whose protagonist was the Navy that Popeye ate spinach to support his superhuman strength; his first appearance, however, was as a supporting character on 17 January 1929 alongside other characters, including J. Wellington Wimpy (often shortened to just "Wimpy" and known in Brazil as Dudu), a greedy educated who was in love by burgers. His striking phrase, "I will pay with pleasure on Tuesday for a hamburger today!" (In English I'll gladly pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today) became famous. During the height of its popularity in the 1930s, Dudu has an image that the burgers were healthy for the youth of the time, and his fame resulted in the creation of a chain of fast food restaurants called Wimpy your honor, that sold hamburgers for ten cents.

Soon many other fictional characters were associated with hamburger like Ronald McDonald, a clown designed by Willard Scott who first appeared on American television in 1963, and became famous. In the 1960s the burger was quoted in undergrounds comics like Zap Comix # 2 designer Robert Crumb, where there was a character called "Hamburger Hi-Jinx". At the end of this decade, pop art used the hamburger as an artistic element in Andy Warhol's works (Dual Hamburger), Claes Oldenburg (Floor Burger), Mel Ramos (Vinaburger, 1965), and more recently, David LaChapelle (Death by Hamburger , 2002).

The starship known as the Millennium Falcon, designed by George Lucas for Star Wars, was based on a hamburger format. [3] Other media also make or have made frequent appearances or quotes from burgers, as the 1982 BurgerTime game.





The cream pastels or crayons belém

The cream puffs or belém crayons are one of the most popular specialties of Portuguese sweets. Although one can enjoy cream puffs in many cafes and pastry shops, the original recipe is a unique secret factory of Pastel de Belém, Lisbon. Then, traditionally, crayons

Bethlehem are eaten still warm, dusted with cinnamon and powdered sugar.

The Pastel de Belém was elected in 2011 one of the 7 Wonders of Gastronomy of Portugal.


In 1837, in Belém, near Jeronimos Monastery, in an attempt to subsistence, the monastery of the clerics put up for sale some cream puffs. At that time, Bethlehem and Lisbon were two distinct locations with access provided by steamboats. The presence of the Jeronimos Monastery and Belem Tower attracted numerous tourists who helped to spread the pastel de Belém.

Following the liberal revolution of 1820, in 1834 the monastery closed. The convent confectioner decided to sell the recipe to Portuguese businessman from Brazil Domingos Rafael Alves, continuing until today in the possession of his descendants.

Earlier crayons were on sale in a sugar refinery situated near the Jeronimos Monastery. In 1837 they opened the facilities in an annex, then turned into pastry, the "Ancient confectionery Bethlehem." Both the original recipe as the name "Pastel de Belém" are patented.

                                   Crayons factory Belém in Lisbon


Cream puffs of one of the numerous specialty pastries in 蛋 挞 in Guangzhou (Canton) China

Currently, in most cafes in Portugal you can buy cream puffs, home-made, but only the original can be called Pastel de Belém.

As a sweet Portuguese, the pastel de nata is also quite common in Brazil. The cream puffs are very popular in China, where they arrived via Macao, the time of the Portuguese presence. In Chinese are called "dan ta" (蛋 挞), meaning "egg pastel". fast food companies included the "dan ta" in its offer desserts, making since the late 90s is possible to taste custard tarts in Asian countries such as Cambodia, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Taiwan.