segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2016

cuisine française

1. Foie gras que vous trouverez en entrée, servi avec des confitures maison et du pain grillé ou une salade. Le Comptoir de la Gastronomie est bonne


2. Confit de canard et magret de canard sont toujours les plats principaux. Le confit précisément la cuisse de canard, est livré avec des pommes de terre dorées à l'ail. Le magret ou magret de canard est goûté croustillant à l'extérieur et rose à l'intérieur. Les magrets ici sont sublimes. Brasserie offre tous ces plats.


3. canard à l'orange, canard à l'orange, le canard est coupé en morceaux et cuit avec du jus d'orange. Parfois, les restaurants servent un filet de canard avec sauce à l'orange. Une autre recette traditionnelle est cuit canard aux olives. Comme le canard à l'orange est recette maison, on ne trouve pas souvent sur les menus. Mais Magret à l'orange est facile à trouver.


4. Parmentier de canard, typique de brasseries plat est préparé avec une pomme de terre et de la viande de Piré confit de canard en gras et déchiqueté. Le parmentier peut également être fait avec du bœuf, en particulier les joues. Elle est divine. Dans ce cas, le plat est appelé hachis parmentier et j'adore la Ma Cocotte, le restaurant Starck dans le marché aux puces de Saint Ouen


5. Pommes de terre au gratin (gratin dauphinois), pommes de terre pire (il faut essayer au moins une fois dans la vie du célèbre chef de la purée de Joël Robuchon), aligot (purée enrichie d'un fromage appelé Tomme de Laguiole), pommes de terre sautées ou Rissolées (pommes de terre coupées en carrés et l'ail d'or) ... les Français sont des experts dans la préparation des pommes de terre.


6. Jarret d'agneau (gigot d'agneau), goûté cuits à l'extérieur et rose à l'intérieur ou bien en version 7 heures, cuites au four à basse température. Il tombe en morceaux. Dans de nombreux restaurants, vous trouverez également l'épaule d'agneau, mon préféré. Une viande pulpeuses et plus tendre. Ou le navarin d'agneau, ou des morceaux d'agneau cuit lentement avec des légumes.


7. langoustes et coquilles Saint-Jacques. Le homard doit être vivant retiré du réservoir et cuit au point exact. Le homard ne peut être frit, il sèche et durcit. Une fois cuit, le Nous goûté avec une sauce et chaque chef a sa recette spéciale de homard. Le meilleur homard que je goûtais était déjà sur le restaurant de la Terre Cota dans la ville de Propriano en Corse. Les Français sont experts aussi dans la préparation des coquilles Saint-Jacques, pétoncles, et fruits de mer plateaux. Sur la photo ci-dessus a été le homard cuit et légèrement doré.


8. Les crêpes sont ici divine. A Paris, nous avons une adresse parfaite, La Crêpe Autrement (cliquez ici). Les crêpes salées sont faites avec le sarrasin et doux avec de la farine de blé.




9. Les champignons français sont de véritables délices et un coût très cher. Les Français se préparer très bien. Dans la saison des champignons, tous les restaurants offrent des champignons en entrée ou en accompagnement.


10. Steak tartare, viande crue coupée en petits morceaux avec le couteau et tempéré. Habituellement, il est servi avec un oeuf cru et oignon cru. Le meilleur de Paris.


terça-feira, 24 de maio de 2016

calorie foods to gain mass

While some are struggling mightily to lose weight, others are specific diets for fat and gain muscle. The weight below ideal and the search for a more muscular body make many people invest in high calorie diet, high in protein and carbohydrates. To change their diet and conquer the body of dreams, check out some tips calorie food, which in addition to healthy help gain muscle mass.


Healthy breakfast

The first meal of the day, consume fruits and cereals have higher amounts of calories. The banana, which is rich in potassium, and avocado, source of fatty acids and vitamins, are great choices, and can be served with granola, oats and honey. Milk and its derivatives should also be part of the meal.


hipercalórico menu: snacks

The morning snack and afternoon snack are essential to the success of the diet. At these meals, add other types of carbohydrates and proteins, such as sausages and breads. To make the healthiest dishes, prefer to use lean meats such as smoked turkey breast, and whole grain breads. Those who wish to increase further the snack can eat a small bar of cereals and fruit or take a vitamin with milk, avocado and banana.


Diet to gain weight: Lunch

At lunch, eat vegetables and vegetables at will. In the main course, add rich in protein legumes such as soy, beans and lentils, and cereal source of carbohydrates such as rice peccary, brown or white. The meat must also be part of the meal, it provides good amounts of protein. To maintain health days, prefer to consume white and lean meats such as chicken.


dinner hipercalórico

For dinner, vegetables are also released, and must accompany the main dish consisting of pasta, rich in carbohydrates and protein foods. A delicious tip is to prepare pasta with tuna and boiled egg. Those who do not usually get hungry at night can replace the meal for a supplement to gain mass or vitamin hit with fruits, rolled oats and honey.

Foods that help you ward off PMS symptoms

Swelling and they are ill can be combated with balanced diet

Do you know what the acronym that haunts most women? PMS. That's it. The TPM is synonymous with bloating, moodiness, uncontrolled hunger, desire to eat chocolate, breast pain and "otras cositas but". So if you are a woman and want to amaze once the undesirable symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, nutrition can help you enough. Check out some tips below:

- Drink plenty of fluids
Water detoxifies the body and helps to deflate. Take great teas (less kill and black), natural juices, coconut water, soups (without cream to not weigh in the balance) help.

- Food rich in fiber
The fibers are in whole foods (bread, pasta, cereals), fruits, vegetables. They also help the body to detoxify and maintain blood glucose (blood sugar) stable in this way do not feel like snacking all day.

- Consume foods with vitamin B
Whole grains (along with dark green vegetables and meats) are foods rich in B vitamins These vitamins reduce the headaches and the will to attack the candy. Vitamin B6 controls the effects of aldosterone, a hormone produced by the adrenal during the premenstrual phase which reduces the excretion of sodium and cause swelling.

- Omega-3 for mood
The cold water fish (salmon, herring, tuna) and flaxseed oil are rich in omega-3, a fat that has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to reduce the appearance of pimples and cellulite. The omega-3 also helps in maintaining good mood!

- Include oil on the menu
Walnuts, chestnuts, almonds, pistachios are foods rich in polyunsaturated fat also targeting inflammation. But do not overdo it, because they are high-calorie.

- Magnesium for controlling satiety
Magnesium-rich foods, such as pineapple, beans, nuts, walnuts, carrots, dark green leafy and complex carbohydrates and whole, control the appetite for sweet, increased appetite and headache.

- Well-being on the plate
Foods rich in tryptophan, an amino acid precursor of serotonin, responsible for the sense of well being, are very welcome. And they are: milk and dairy products (prefer to nonfat and low-fat), products based on soy, seafood, beans, lentils, rice and whole grains, oilseeds, eggs and sunflower and sesame seeds.

- Make your bowel function
Food Probiotics are also good choice, since one of its benefits is to enrich the intestinal flora, causing the intestines to function correctly and regularly and eliminate toxins (byproducts of metabolism).

- Zinc is essential
To reduce irritability, anxiety and insomnia, symptoms characteristic of this phase of the cycle, abuse of foods rich in zinc: lean meats, fish (including oysters and shellfish), milk, whole grains, beans and nuts.

What are antioxidants? See what foods are rich in these substances and understand why it is important to consume them

Antioxidants fight free radicals, maintain healthy skin, slowing aging and preventing disease. know more

What are antioxidants?

By definition, antioxidants are substances capable of inhibiting or delaying the oxidation of an oxidizable substrate. The role of antioxidants is to protect healthy cells of the organism against the oxidizing action of free radicals.

free radicals antioxidants relation x

Free radicals (oxidants) are molecules that, by not having an even number of electrons in the last electronic layer, are highly unstable. They are always seeking to achieve stability fighting chemical reactions of electron transfer (redox) with neighboring cells. Although fundamental to the health, when in excess, free radicals begin to oxidize healthy cells, such as proteins, lipids and DNA.

The constant attack leads to lipid peroxidation (destruction of polyunsaturated fatty acids that make up cell membranes). The increase in lipid peroxidation in turn, is associated with development of chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and the development of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson, and some cancer.

The importance of antioxidants is precisely the fact that they are able to regulate the amount of free radicals in the body.

A diet rich in antioxidant intake contributes to the reduction of oxidative stress (imbalance between the levels of free radicals and antioxidants)

antioxidant defense systems

enzyme system (endogenous), formed by a set of enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione) produced naturally by the body. However, the efficiency of this production system tends to decrease over the years. Therefore, it is important to maintain the quality of the second defense system, non-enzymatic, by eating foods rich in antioxidants.

System non-enzymatic (exogenous): composed of groups of substances such as vitamins, minerals and plant substances that can be ingested through diet.

Antioxidants act in two ways under free radicals: by inhibiting their formation and repairing already caused injuries. The first is related to the inhibition of chain reactions involving their training; and second, the removal of damaged cells, followed reconstitution of cell membranes.

Antioxidants also intercept and prevent free radical attack on these lipids, amino acids, proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and DNA bases, protecting the cells lesions. Antioxidants obtained through diet (vitamins, flavonoids and carotenoids, etc.) are crucial in this process.

The human body has two antioxidants self defense systems: the enzyme system (endogenous) and non-enzymatic (exogenous).

Some antioxidants such as vitamin E, are soluble in lipids (fat soluble) and protect cell membranes from lipid peroxidation, helping to remove damage and to replenish the cell membrane.

The endogenous self-defense system, however, tends to be reduced with the natural aging process, as the production of antioxidant enzymes will lose their effectiveness over the years.

The main non-enzymatic antioxidant system are:

• Beta-Carotene and Lycopene: are carotenoids, natural pigments present in fruits and vegetables. They act as antioxidants, for sequester oxygen, reducing the availability of free radicals to carry out oxidative reactions. They are associated with carcinogenesis and prevention of atherogenesis, by being able to protect molecules such as lipids, proteins and DNA undergo oxidation. Moreover, they are precursors of vitamin A in the body.

Where to find: they are found in reddish, orange and yellow foods such as carrots, tomatoes, orange, peach, pumpkin; and dark green vegetables such as broccoli, peas and spinach.

• Curcumin: is a pigment that occurs naturally in the roots of turmeric. Widely used as a seasoning in Indian cuisine, turmeric sequesters free radicals and inhibits the degradation of polyunsaturated fatty acids of cell membranes.

• FLAVANOIDS: the flavonoids are a group of naturally produced by vegetable substances to assist in protection against solar radiation and fight pathogenic organisms. They have the ability to inhibit the activity of enzymes responsible for the production of free radicals, preventing thus their training.

Where to find: they are found in fruits such as grape, strawberry, apple, pomegranate, blueberry (blueberry), raspberry and other red color fruit; in vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, parsley and kale; walnuts, soybeans, flaxseed; and they are found in drinks such as red wine, tea, coffee and beer, and even chocolate and honey.

• Vitamin A (retinol): vitamin A has the ability to combine with some free radicals before they cause damage. Vitamin A also participates in the production process of the skin.

Where to find: in animal foods such as whole milk and beef liver. Those who do not consume animal products should consume vegetables containing high concentrations of beta-carotene and lycopene, as these are precursors of vitamin A in the body.

• Vitamin C (ascorbic acid): water soluble (hydrosoluble) therefore reacts with free radicals available in an aqueous medium, such as exists within the cell. Vitamin C is also able to regenerate vitamin E and keep the enzymes endogenous antioxidant system at low states, particularly saving glutathione.

Where to find: in fruits: melon, cantaloupe, citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, tangerines) kiwi, mango, papaya, pineapple, blueberry (blueberry), strawberry, raspberry and cranberry (cranberry); and vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, red and green peppers, spinach, potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash and tomatoes.

• Vitamin E (tocopherols): Vitamin E is a group of tocopherols, as being the most important antioxidant, alpha-tocopherol. Vitamin E is fat soluble (fat soluble) thus acts protecting cell membranes (composed of lipids) the action of free radicals. It also protects low density lipoproteins (LDL) which act on cholesterol transport.

Where to find: vegetable oils and derivatives, green leaves, oilseed (Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts) and seeds, whole grains and leafy vegetables: spinach, watercress, arugula, among others.

• Copper: essential to the proper functioning of the self endogenous defense system as it influences the action of superoxide dismutase.

Where to find: kids, seafood, whole grains and dark green vegetables.

• Selenium: works together with vitamin E, fighting the action of free radicals. also contributes to the normal formation of tireróide.

Where to find: in animal products such as kids and seafood; in plant foods such as whole cererais and Brazil nuts.

• Zinc: the same way as copper, influences the activity of superoxide dismutase.

Where to find: sea food like oysters, lobster, crab. In other animal products such as red meat and poultry, milk and dairy products. And in products of plant origin: beans, nuts and whole grains.

Thus, it is essential to maintain the quality of exogenous antioxidant defense system through the intake of antioxidants.

Since people have different vitamin needs, taking vitamins capsule may not be desirable in all cases (see further herein).

Despite the wide variety of vitamin supplements on the market, it is indicated that supplementation is made only on the basis of a medical recommendation, followed by due professional monitoring

quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2016

green tea

Green tea (Camellia sinensis) is consumed by Asians for thousands of years to combat aging and improve health as a whole.
The first time I was when I was just a kid and I confess I hated the taste (children want to know sweet ...

The bitter taste is a major reason for people not to consume this tea regularly, but the benefits it offers are so many that it's crazy not to take advantage of this powerful herb that nature offers us.

Benefits of Green Tea

You should take it because:

- Stimulates the burning of fat and helps you lose weight;
- It is rich in antioxidants that slow the aging;
- Speed up the metabolism;
- Reduces bad cholesterol;
- Prevent some cancers;
- It is diuretic and combat fluid retention;
- Contains essential vitamins and minerals to the body.


Despite the benefits of green tea, there are some contraindications.
People with heart disease, hypertension and pregnant women should avoid consumption because tea can promote increased blood pressure.
In addition, contain caffeine, those who have a history of gastritis or insomnia shall reduce the amount consumed. If you experience a worsening of these symptoms, stop taking immediately.

How to prepare it the right way?

Unlike traditional teas, green tea requires a specific preparation so you can enjoy all your nutrients with no losses.
For each cup (240 mL) are needed 2 teaspoons leaf.
Method of preparation:
1) Heat the water and turn off the heat when bubbles begin to form at the bottom of the pot. Do not boil the water along with the leaves!
2) Leave the green tea in contact with hot water for a maximum of 3 minutes.
3) Remove the leaves and, if not stand the bitter taste, sweeten with honey. Avoid sugar or sweeteners!

What kind to buy?

Green tea best quality is one that comes in leaves, for it is in this state where most of the nutrients are preserved.
Avoid buy sachets (to mate tea molds) because the manufacturing process causes the loss of many nutrients which decreases eficária product.

Os 14 tipos de feijão

O feijão é um dos alimentos mais antigos do mundo, cultivado há séculos na Grécia Antiga e no Egito, existindo relatos sobre o mesmo desde 1000 a.C. Você sabia que existem 14 tipos diferentes desta leguminosa? 

Feijão Azuki
É uma leguminosa de vagem menor que o feijão comum;
Possui sementes e grãos;
Possui forma arredondada de cor vermelho escuro;
Sabor levemente adocicado;
Muito utilizado na culinária asiática.
Feijão Branco
Este retarda a absorção de açúcar no sangue e ajuda a emagrecer;
Seus grãos proporcionam um caldo bem cremoso;
Seu formato é alongado e de cor branca;
Ótimo para sopas, saladas e cassoulets.
Feijão Bolinha
Conhecido também como feijão canário ou feijão-manteiga;
Possui grão totalmente arredondado e cor amarelada;
Agrada diversos paladares;
Ótimo para saladas ou sopas;
Muito utilizado na culinária portuguesa.
Feijão Carioca
Conhecido também como feijão chilli;
Possui formato arredondado de cor bege com listras marrons;
Rende bom caldo e cozinha rapidamente;
Muito usado na culinária indiana;
Feijão Fradinho
Conhecido também como feijão-macassar ou feijão-de-corda;
Possui um formato arredondado de cor clara com o “olho” preto;
Este tipo de feijão reduz o colesterol;
Muito utilizado na culinária baiana;
Feijão Jalo
Possui grãos grandes e amarelados;
Quando cozido, forma um caldo encorpado marrom avermelhado;
Sabor delicado que lembra castanhas;
Ótimo para tutus, virados, saladas e sopas;
Muito utilizado em Minas Gerais e na Região Centro-Oeste;
Feijão Jalo Roxo
Maior que o Jalo comum, seu grão possui uma coloração vermelho escuro intensa;
Ótimo para saladas e sopas;
Muito utlizado em São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Goiás.

Feijão Moyashi
Possui formato arrendondado e esverdeado;
Este tipo de feijão é de fácil digestão e reduz sintomas de TPM;
Também conhecido como broto de feijão;
Ótimo para omeletes, sopas e saladas;
Muito utilizado na culinária japonesa.
Feijão Preto
Conhecido como o feijão da feijoada;
Possui grãos pequenos e cor preta;
Além do Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina e Paraná, ele também é muito utilizado na culinária Mexicana.
Feijão Rajado
Possui grãos graúdos e cor rosado com listras avermelhadas;
Sabor adocicado;
Ótimo para ensopados;
Muito consumido em São Paulo, Minas gerais e região Sul.
Feijão Rosinha
Possui os grãos pequenos e um pouco mais avermelhados do que marrom;
Absorvem muito mais os temperos;
Garante um sabor especial para molhos e saladas;
Muito consumido no Mato Grosso, Pará, São Paulo e Goiás.
Feijão Roxinho
Possui grão miúdo, escuro e avermelhado;
Pode ser usado em diferentes tipos de receitas;
Sabor intenso e textura macia;
Muito utilizado em São Paulo, Minas gerais e Goiás.
Feijão verde
Possui grãos pequenos e verdes;
Conhecido como o grão da vagem verde;
Ideal para ser consumido fresco ou seco;
Muito consumido no Nordeste.
Feijão vermelho
Possui coloração avermelhada e seus grãos são miúdos;
Sabor encorpado;
Ótimo para sopas;
Muito utilizado na culinária francesa.

The Omelette

The omelette, omelette or omelet (omelet the French) is a food made of beaten eggs with butter or oil, generally with other ingredients such as cheese, ham, vegetables or combinations thereof. For a soft texture, the eggs are often beaten with a small quantity of milk, cream or water, which leads to the formation of steam bubbles during frying egg. Traditionally, omelets are folded before the top is completely fried. It is also correct to use the word omelet with masculine articles: the omelet, an omelet.

It is believed that the omelette appeared in ancient Persia. They were beaten eggs mixed with chopped, fried herbs until firm, then cut into pieces to form a dish known as 'kookoo'. It is believed that such revenue reached Europe through the Middle East and North Africa, which was adapted and originated the Italian frittata, the Spanish tortilla and French omelette.

In France, its creation is attributed to Annette Poulard, in 1888, the Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy. She prepared a nutritious and easy to prepare meal for the hungry pilgrims arrived at the Shrine of St. Michael. Today, at the entrance, there is the restaurant Mère Poulard.

The biggest omelette in the world was cooked for 6 hours by a team of 55 people, led by Pedro Mendes in Ferreira do Zêzere, Portugal on 11 August 2012. It took 145,000 eggs and weighed 6,466 kilograms.


food Cod

lean fish, which lives and breeds in cold lands, cod was a staple food of the Nordic peoples, particularly the Vikings.

At the time of expansion of these Scandinavian conquerors in Europe that lasted the ages 9 to 11, the cod was introduced to other peoples of the continent.

Basques and Bretons, great navigators like the Vikings, adopted cod in their food. As this fish a salty turn, it can be preserved for a long time, it was very useful for feeding the crew on long runs to the sea.

In the Middle Ages, the cod trade has become quite lucrative, as the dried and salted fish was adopted as a major source of protein during the time of Lent, a time when Christians abstained from eating land animal meats.

In the 15th century, other people browsers adopted cod. the Portuguese were that, despite not having been the first to appreciate the fish, have become its major customers and distributors. They sought cod in dangerous and icy waters of Newfoundland, Canada, and took the fish to their new colonies.

That's how the cod arrived in Brazil with the first settlers coming from Portugal. With the coming of the Portuguese court to Brazil, began the official exports of fish, which became an almost Brazilian tradition.

Besides much appreciated, cod was, until World War II, a cheap fish and considered popular food. After that, first because of food shortages in Europe and, more recently, the decline in cod caused by industrial fishing has become an expensive dish. With the exception of codfish balls, still one of the most popular of the "bar food", cod is reserved for special meals because of its high price.

How do you live cod


The cod lives in the cold waters. Live near the seabed - is, therefore, a demersal species.

The populations of Atlantic cod are distributed by various habitats of the ocean. Juveniles are along the coast, between 10 and 30 meters deep. Adults prefer deeper and cooler waters, between 100 and 200 meters. During the day, they swim in schools to better protect themselves from predators.

Between winter and spring, the codfish reproduce. The fertility of the Atlantic cod is almost mythical: A good sized female can produce nine million eggs. Swimmer very active, cod migrates to spawn, choosing warmer spawning beds. Some cod stocks make great travel either to spawn either to seek food.

Food chain

The Atlantic cod is a voracious predator. It feeds of marine life that abounds in the areas where they cross the warm and cold currents of the ocean, as the great banks of Newfoundland.

Codfish grow quickly because they have a diverse and abundant diet. The young feed on small animal organisms that make up the zooplankton and small larvae, bivalves and crustaceans s. Adults prefer fish: eat herring, hake, anglerfish or codfish young and unwary.

Small or large, the Atlantic cod has its enemies: seals, whales, sharks, dolphins, octopuses, swordfish and some seabirds have cod as food.

Some species of seals are large predatory cod. The balance of the food chain that cod is part depends on this and other phenomena - natural and artificial factors.

Sustainable species

The Atlantic cod is one of the richest species of the ocean. Over the centuries, its fishing led to great human sagas, business and conflicts. For a long time it was believed that cod as other fish of great importance for human consumption, was an infinite resource. However much they fished, the kind of playability guarantee its abundance and would be able to restore the balance between biological resources and fishing.

In the second half of the twentieth century, the intensive application almost foolproof detection and capture techniques produced the first fishing sustainability issues. The fish was less and cod were captured on average smaller than in other times. In certain sea areas, fishing for cod in the Atlantic grew faster than the natural rate of replenishment of stocks. By spontaneous reaction, the most endangered cod stocks have begun to breed earlier.

In addition to over-fishing, nature itself has posed challenges to the way we manage this and other common biological heritage: on the one hand, the excessive growth of the seal population in many coastal areas of the North Atlantic resulted in a major drop of cod stocks; secondly, climate change due to its integrated and global nature, have caused changes in species behavior patterns.

Because it is a vicious circle, the fishing income decline pioneered the preventive measures of scarcity. Limiting the size of the mesh network is the first way to prevent the immature cod had time to grow and reproduce. Restrict the right of access to resources was the next move, long and controversial.

The Marine Sciences helped states and international organizations to regulate fisheries to ensure she had future. Today, the scenarios sustainability of Atlantic cod are much more optimistic than a few years ago.

Food Diet and Light

nutritional information on labels and packaging
The technical regulation concerning the supplementary nutrition information was established by Decree 27/98 of the Ministry of Health. The supplementary nutrition information is any representation that states or suggests that a food has one or more particular nutritional properties as the energy value and the protein content , fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals.
The orientation can not be formulated in a way that leads to error or user mistake. Information such as "sugar Exempt", "No sodium" or "reduced content of fat" must be clearly arranged.
Must appear on the label of diet foods:
alert for diabetics when they contain glucose, fructose or sucrose
when adding aspartame: "contains phenylalanine"
in all: "Consume preferably under guidance nutritionist or doctor"
Statements on labels and food packaging on:
Or low light
Maximum of 40 kcal / 100g or 20kcal / 100ml.
At least 25% fewer calories than the reference food and difference greater than 40kcal / 100g or 20kcal / 100ml. SUGAR
Or low light
Maximum of 5g of sugar per 100g or 100ml and no more than 40kcal / 100g or 20kcal / 100ml.
No added sugar
When sugars are not added during the production or packaging. If the food is not low or reduced in calories, use the phrase: "This is not a food with reduced energy."
Or low light
Maximum of 3g of fat per 100g or 1.5g of fat 100ml.
At least 25% less fat than the reference food. The difference must be greater than 3g fat in 100g or 100ml of 1.5g.
Or low light
Maximum of 1.5g of saturated fat per 100g or 0.75g in 100ml. The energy provided by fat should be no more than 10% of energy.
At least 25% less cholesterol than the reference food. The difference must be greater than 1.5g / 100g or 0.75g / 100ml.
Or low light
Maximum 20mg cholesterol or cholesterol 10mg 100g in 100ml and a maximum of 1.5g saturated fat in 100 or 0.75 in 100 ml. The energy provided by saturated fat should be at most 10% of the energy value.
At least 25% less cholesterol than the reference food. The difference must be greater than 20mg cholesterol / 100g or 10mg cholesterol in 100ml.
Food diet and light: myths and truths
Despite the increase in sales, the population is unaware of the characteristics of light food and diet.
A survey released by the Brazilian Association of Dietetic Food Industries, Special and Supplements Fins (Abiadsa) and the Brazilian Institute of Education for Food Consumption and Congeners (IBCA) shows that these aprodutos are consumed in about 35% of households in the parents. In ten years, business with diet and light foods grew 800% in the country. Nevertheless, Abiadsa reveals that there is a lack of knowledge about the products. Only 8% of respondents agreed the concept of diet and nobody light.
It is the mistaken idea that diet products are only those without sugar, and light ones that have fewer calories. And there are many doubts about the benefits of each. Diabetes, hypertension, people with high cholesterol or overweight can consume the same food or diet drink or light? Not always, and so it is important to talk to a doctor or a nutritionist about the ideal diet for each purpose.
Know the difference between light and diet
food diet
The Ministry of Health Decree 29/98 establishes the technical regulations for setting of identity and quality of food for special purposes.
The term diet can be used:
1.Under food diets with nutrient restriction (carbohydrate, fat, protein, sodium, and are generally suitable for specific groups, such as diabetics, coeliacs or hypertensive);
2. We food diets with controlled intake of calories (maintenance, loss or gain control or sugars).
Food for controlled diets may not have the addition of nutrient, but can contain it naturally. For example, in a fruit jam diet, who makes a diet with a controlled intake of sugar, it is allowed to exist in natural food sugar, fructose.
The food restricted in carbohydrates (such as bread or chocolate diet) or fat (skim yoghurt, for example) can contain, at most, the addition of 0.5 g of nutrient per 100g of product. Already the proteins in restricted foods should be totally exempt. Thus, it can be defined as a diet food product free or essentially free of a specific nutrient.
light food
The definition of light should be used in food products with minimum reduction of 25% in a particular nutrient or calories when compared with conventional food.
For the occurrence of calorie reduction it is necessary that there is a decrease in energy nutrient content (carbohydrate, fat or protein). Thus, the reduction of a non-nutrient energy (e.g., light in sodium salt) does not affect the amount of food calories.
According to Normative Instruction 29/99 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, diet soda (diet) is the one with less sugar content than 0.5g / 100ml, but this limit can be increased in the diet soda when from the adding fruit juice. Already low calorie drink (light) is the one whose sugar content is replaced by natural or artificial sweetener whose calorie no more than 20kcal / 100ml.
Tips for the consumption of modified foods
To avoid confusion, it is important to read the labels on light and diet products and compare them with conventional food, to see if they meet the needs and goals of those who will consume them.
The diet product that does not contain sugar or fat may have large amount of carbohydrate in composition. The diet bread, for example, contain flour, rich in carbohydrates.
Not all food diet have significantly reduced amount of calories. This will depend on the nutrient that has been removed and the replaced. For example, the chocolate diet can be consumed by those who have an intolerance or restriction sugar such as diabetics, but weight loss is not indicated, it may be fat amount equal to or greater than conventional.
In the composition of a balanced diet for people who want to lose weight, the diet and light foods can be used to replace the same foods in the conventional version. Do not increase the amount consumed in a food because it is light.
The most important weight loss with health is to have balanced diet, combining different nutrients and without excesses.
Some products, such as mayonnaise and yellow cheese, even with a reduced amount of fat, remain very fatty. In the case of cheese, it is better to change yellow to white to choose a light version.
The light salting salt less and many people end up using it in greater quantities than conventional. Yet prefer the light version may be advantageous because potassium used to replace part of the sodium can act as a reducing blood pressure.
Not all light food and diet are recommended for heart. Some have too much saturated fat, salt and trans fat.

History of Olive Oil


Between centuries VII and III BC olive oil began to be investigated by philosophers, physicians and historians of the time for its beneficial properties to humans. It is also known that there are more than 6000 years, the oil was used by the people of Mesopotamia as a cold shield when they anointed their bodies with it.
The longevity related to the use of olive oil there by accident. Science has always had a special interest in this oil just for its strong presence in history. During years of studies and research, she ended up proving its effects (mainly in studies conducted in the 50) in the prevention of liver cancer and other diseases, such as the heart.
Today, worldwide, olive oil production reaches 2 million tonnes. This represents 4% of world production of vegetable oils, and 2.5% of world production of edible oils and fats.
 Its largest producers are: Spain, Italy, Greece, Tunisia and Turkey.
There are several types of olive oils around the world. Each as the region of origin, has a personality identified by its aroma and flavor. Only in Italy, many are producing regions. This demonstrates the diversity and the strong presence of olive oil worldwide.
The cultivation of olive trees for the extraction of oil, date of Syria Ancient being exploited by the Egyptian people and Armenians.
In ancient Greece, the olive tree was very important, and in some mythological passages mentions the olive tree and its creation.
A good example is the story that tells how the name of the city of Athens was chosen. The Atenea and Poseidon gods argued about who would have the honor of giving his name to the city. They decided that those who perform the feat more useful to humans would have this honor.
 So Poseidon struck on a rock and gave rise to a useful animal to the war: the horse.
Atenea, impressed with the feat of Poseidon hit with the tip of his spear on the ground and made to grow an olive tree.
The very Atenea taught the future inhabitants of the city the cultivation of olive trees and the extraction of oil.
then he came to be worshiped as the goddess of agriculture and lent his name to the new city.
This story shows the importance of olive oil to the ancient Greeks who chose as a sign of peace and considered sacred branches of the olive tree, which were twisted like crowns and used by the winners of the Olympic Games.
It is unknown how the cultivation of olive trees reached western part of the Mediterranean, to the hands of the Greek colonists, or even earlier, by the Phoenicians, but it is known that the Romans extended their cultivation throughout his empire, from Africa to the Iberian Peninsula.
Throughout its history the olive oil was linked not only to food, as medicine and religion. It is related to peace, abundance and well-being.

The traditional method of olive oil production is to crush the olives between two stone presses with opposite movements until the result is reduced to a pasta.Esta paste is spread on fine screens which are placed over each other and pressed with weights. There are more modern methods, but the oil "cold pressed" are made this way.
The heat allows to extract highest amount of oil, but poorer quality.
The oil is graded on a scale that determines your level of acidez.Também are considered other factors such as color, flavor and aroma, but the quality is closely linked to percentage of acidity.
The extra virgin olive oil has only one degree of acidity is the finest.
Virgin olive oil should have a maximum of 3 three degrees of acidity.
It is difficult to ascertain the exact date of the appearance of Olives, but it is assumed it has appeared in Asia Minor and is cultivated around 3,000 BC., In Mediterranean countries, where much of the olive crop is used to produce oil.
In this process, the olives are pitted and crushed to become a thick pulp. A press juice extract which is centrifuged to separate water from oil.
Most of this fat, however, is monounsaturated, a beneficial effect on blood cholesterol levels and easily digestible.
When ingested, olive oil stimulates metabolism, promotes digestion and lubricates the mucous membranes. It can also be used externally for the treatment of dry skin.
Take a tablespoon of olive oil on an empty stomach to stimulate digestion and relieve indigestion, bloating and heartburn.
To lower cholesterol levels monounsaturated fatty acids in olive oil help lower LDL cholesterol levels (the bad) cholesterol without affecting HDL levels (good cholesterol) or triglycerides.
To reduce your cholesterol, at least 15% of your daily calories should come from monounsaturated fatty acids. Whenever you can, use the kitchen olive oil in place of butter or other vegetable oils.
To handle the ear
If you want to clear a blocked ear, ping it a few drops of warm oil.
Lie down for five minutes with his head on the ear does not hurt and then turn to let the oil drain out. (Do not put any fluid in the ear if you suspect perforated eardrum!) For earaches, dip a cotton ball in olive oil and add five drops of lavender oil. Leave the cotton, loosely in the outer ear, until the pain subsides.
To prevent hair loss
Massage the scalp with olive oil every night for eight days.
Let the oil act during sleep and remove it, washing the head in the morning. To moisturize the skin Apply daily on dry or striae points.
To prevent cancer
The olive oil can prevent the appearance of certain types of skin cancer.
A study by Kobe University, Japan, revealed that the application of high doses of the product after sunbathing reduces the risk of appearance of tumors.
Olive oil is rich in antioxidants that neutralize the effects of the ultraviolet radiation. By decreasing the production of free radicals in the body, antioxidants prevent the development of cancer in organismo.Os researchers have used mice to prove the effectiveness of the method. The rats were exposed to artificial tanning sessions three times a week.
Half of them received a bath with olive oil five minutes after each session. At the end of 18 weeks, which were not plated they had a number of tumors developing. The other took six weeks to show some sign of cancer.