quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2016

History of Olive Oil


Between centuries VII and III BC olive oil began to be investigated by philosophers, physicians and historians of the time for its beneficial properties to humans. It is also known that there are more than 6000 years, the oil was used by the people of Mesopotamia as a cold shield when they anointed their bodies with it.
The longevity related to the use of olive oil there by accident. Science has always had a special interest in this oil just for its strong presence in history. During years of studies and research, she ended up proving its effects (mainly in studies conducted in the 50) in the prevention of liver cancer and other diseases, such as the heart.
Today, worldwide, olive oil production reaches 2 million tonnes. This represents 4% of world production of vegetable oils, and 2.5% of world production of edible oils and fats.
 Its largest producers are: Spain, Italy, Greece, Tunisia and Turkey.
There are several types of olive oils around the world. Each as the region of origin, has a personality identified by its aroma and flavor. Only in Italy, many are producing regions. This demonstrates the diversity and the strong presence of olive oil worldwide.
The cultivation of olive trees for the extraction of oil, date of Syria Ancient being exploited by the Egyptian people and Armenians.
In ancient Greece, the olive tree was very important, and in some mythological passages mentions the olive tree and its creation.
A good example is the story that tells how the name of the city of Athens was chosen. The Atenea and Poseidon gods argued about who would have the honor of giving his name to the city. They decided that those who perform the feat more useful to humans would have this honor.
 So Poseidon struck on a rock and gave rise to a useful animal to the war: the horse.
Atenea, impressed with the feat of Poseidon hit with the tip of his spear on the ground and made to grow an olive tree.
The very Atenea taught the future inhabitants of the city the cultivation of olive trees and the extraction of oil.
then he came to be worshiped as the goddess of agriculture and lent his name to the new city.
This story shows the importance of olive oil to the ancient Greeks who chose as a sign of peace and considered sacred branches of the olive tree, which were twisted like crowns and used by the winners of the Olympic Games.
It is unknown how the cultivation of olive trees reached western part of the Mediterranean, to the hands of the Greek colonists, or even earlier, by the Phoenicians, but it is known that the Romans extended their cultivation throughout his empire, from Africa to the Iberian Peninsula.
Throughout its history the olive oil was linked not only to food, as medicine and religion. It is related to peace, abundance and well-being.

The traditional method of olive oil production is to crush the olives between two stone presses with opposite movements until the result is reduced to a pasta.Esta paste is spread on fine screens which are placed over each other and pressed with weights. There are more modern methods, but the oil "cold pressed" are made this way.
The heat allows to extract highest amount of oil, but poorer quality.
The oil is graded on a scale that determines your level of acidez.Também are considered other factors such as color, flavor and aroma, but the quality is closely linked to percentage of acidity.
The extra virgin olive oil has only one degree of acidity is the finest.
Virgin olive oil should have a maximum of 3 three degrees of acidity.
It is difficult to ascertain the exact date of the appearance of Olives, but it is assumed it has appeared in Asia Minor and is cultivated around 3,000 BC., In Mediterranean countries, where much of the olive crop is used to produce oil.
In this process, the olives are pitted and crushed to become a thick pulp. A press juice extract which is centrifuged to separate water from oil.
Most of this fat, however, is monounsaturated, a beneficial effect on blood cholesterol levels and easily digestible.
When ingested, olive oil stimulates metabolism, promotes digestion and lubricates the mucous membranes. It can also be used externally for the treatment of dry skin.
Take a tablespoon of olive oil on an empty stomach to stimulate digestion and relieve indigestion, bloating and heartburn.
To lower cholesterol levels monounsaturated fatty acids in olive oil help lower LDL cholesterol levels (the bad) cholesterol without affecting HDL levels (good cholesterol) or triglycerides.
To reduce your cholesterol, at least 15% of your daily calories should come from monounsaturated fatty acids. Whenever you can, use the kitchen olive oil in place of butter or other vegetable oils.
To handle the ear
If you want to clear a blocked ear, ping it a few drops of warm oil.
Lie down for five minutes with his head on the ear does not hurt and then turn to let the oil drain out. (Do not put any fluid in the ear if you suspect perforated eardrum!) For earaches, dip a cotton ball in olive oil and add five drops of lavender oil. Leave the cotton, loosely in the outer ear, until the pain subsides.
To prevent hair loss
Massage the scalp with olive oil every night for eight days.
Let the oil act during sleep and remove it, washing the head in the morning. To moisturize the skin Apply daily on dry or striae points.
To prevent cancer
The olive oil can prevent the appearance of certain types of skin cancer.
A study by Kobe University, Japan, revealed that the application of high doses of the product after sunbathing reduces the risk of appearance of tumors.
Olive oil is rich in antioxidants that neutralize the effects of the ultraviolet radiation. By decreasing the production of free radicals in the body, antioxidants prevent the development of cancer in organismo.Os researchers have used mice to prove the effectiveness of the method. The rats were exposed to artificial tanning sessions three times a week.
Half of them received a bath with olive oil five minutes after each session. At the end of 18 weeks, which were not plated they had a number of tumors developing. The other took six weeks to show some sign of cancer.

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