Green tea (Camellia sinensis) is consumed by Asians for thousands of years to combat aging and improve health as a whole.
The first time I was when I was just a kid and I confess I hated the taste (children want to know sweet ...
The bitter taste is a major reason for people not to consume this tea regularly, but the benefits it offers are so many that it's crazy not to take advantage of this powerful herb that nature offers us.
Benefits of Green Tea
You should take it because:
- Stimulates the burning of fat and helps you lose weight;
- It is rich in antioxidants that slow the aging;
- Speed up the metabolism;
- Reduces bad cholesterol;
- Prevent some cancers;
- It is diuretic and combat fluid retention;
- Contains essential vitamins and minerals to the body.
Despite the benefits of green tea, there are some contraindications.
People with heart disease, hypertension and pregnant women should avoid consumption because tea can promote increased blood pressure.
In addition, contain caffeine, those who have a history of gastritis or insomnia shall reduce the amount consumed. If you experience a worsening of these symptoms, stop taking immediately.
How to prepare it the right way?
Unlike traditional teas, green tea requires a specific preparation so you can enjoy all your nutrients with no losses.
For each cup (240 mL) are needed 2 teaspoons leaf.
Method of preparation:
1) Heat the water and turn off the heat when bubbles begin to form at the bottom of the pot. Do not boil the water along with the leaves!
2) Leave the green tea in contact with hot water for a maximum of 3 minutes.
3) Remove the leaves and, if not stand the bitter taste, sweeten with honey. Avoid sugar or sweeteners!
What kind to buy?
Green tea best quality is one that comes in leaves, for it is in this state where most of the nutrients are preserved.
Avoid buy sachets (to mate tea molds) because the manufacturing process causes the loss of many nutrients which decreases eficária product.
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